HiPC 2022 Conference Registration

Please make note of the following before you register:

  • If you are the author who is presenting, you will need to select In-person Conference Registration – Author under the Admissions Item tab.
  • Selecting the above will give you an option to enter the details of one paper. If you are registering for multiple papers, you can choose the number of “additional” papers you wish to register under the “Register Additional Papers” option.
  • If you are buying additional pages for your papers, please select the entries for adding pages corresponding to ONLY the paper IDs for which you wish the buy the pages. Please make sure that you adhere to additional pages policy for the category of your paper (main conference or workshop). The registration website does not perform any validation. So, an error may lead to incorrect registration fees being charged.
  • If you require an invitation letter for visa, please fill this form and send an email to [email protected]. You should receive a copy of the form that you fill. Please include the copy in the email that you send. You will need to provide the registration confirmation number and the last four digits of the payment method in the form.



Registration for participants outside India

Participants who are affiliated with organizations from outside India should use the following link to register.


HiPC 2022 International Registration


Registration for participants from India

Participants who are affiliated with organizations from within India should use the following link to register:

